- A payroll limitation is applied to the actual weekly payroll per employee in each of the eligible construction classification codes.
- A limitation on the maximum amount of payroll for certain work classifications and in certain state jurisdictions for purposes of premium and/or assessment calculations.
New York: https://www.nycirb.org/payroll.php
Nevada: http://www.leg.state.nv.us/nac/NAC-616A.html#NAC616ASec200
- As of July 1, 2022, the current payroll limitation is set to be $1,688.19 per week.
- Typically, the estimated limited payroll would be about 75% of the estimated Workers' Compensation payroll.
Find out more about limited payroll in New York here: https://c-r-solutions.com/what-is-limited-payroll-in-new-york/